把样式直接转化成 Tailwindcss Plugin 吧

把样式直接转化成 Tailwindcss Plugin 吧


把你的 css/scss 文件转化成 tailwindcss plugin



你的 css/scss 可能像下面这样?:

@layer base {
  h1 {
    font-size: theme("fontSize.2xl");
  h2 {
    font-size: theme("fontSize.xl");

@layer components {
  .card {
    background-color: theme("colors.white");
    border-radius: theme("borderRadius.lg");
    padding: theme("spacing.6");
    box-shadow: theme("boxShadow.xl");

@layer utilities {
  .content-auto {
    content-visibility: "auto";
/* this will be abandoned unless you set the `outSideLayerCss` option */
/* 默认情况下,不在@layer里的会被抛弃,除非设置了 `outSideLayerCss` 配置项 */
  background: #ffffff;

上方文件会被这个工具转化成一个 tailwindcss plugin,类似下方这样:

const _plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin')
const returnSelfNoop = (x) => x
const css2TwPlugin = _plugin.withOptions(
  function (_options = {}) {
    const { withOptionsWalkCSSRuleObject = returnSelfNoop } = _options
    return function ({ addBase, addComponents, addUtilities, theme, addVariant, config, corePlugins, e, matchComponents, matchUtilities, matchVariant }) {
      const _baseCss = withOptionsWalkCSSRuleObject(
          h1: {
            'font-size': theme('fontSize.2xl')
          h2: {
            'font-size': theme('fontSize.xl')
      const _componentsCss = withOptionsWalkCSSRuleObject(
          '.card': {
            'background-color': theme('colors.white'),
            'border-radius': theme('borderRadius.lg'),
            padding: theme('spacing.6'),
            'box-shadow': theme('boxShadow.xl')
      const _utilitiesCss = withOptionsWalkCSSRuleObject(
          '.content-auto': {
            'content-visibility': '"auto"'
  function (_options) {
    return {}
module.exports = css2TwPlugin


<npm / yarn / pnpm> i -D css-to-tailwindcss-plugin

假如你想要处理 tailwindcss's Functions & Directives,你必须安装 tailwindcss

同样为了支持 scss/sass 文件处理,你必须要安装 sass



css2plugin build path/to/your.css path/to/your-another.scss --out ./tw-plugins

执行命令后,一个 <css-file-name>.js 文件将被生成在 out 指定的 tw-plugins 目录中。

css2plugin build -h for more options

Nodejs Api


import { createContext } from 'css-to-tailwindcss-plugin'

const ctx = createContext({
  // pass options to postcss-import
  atImportOptions: {},
  // pass to sass options
  sassOptions: {},
  // tailwind.config.js path `string` or tailwind Config
  tailwindcssConfig: '',
  // if resolve tailwindcss Functions & Directives  (like theme() and @apply etc....)
  // should be used with `tailwindcssConfig`
  tailwindcssResolved: false,
  // pass options to babel generator
  generatorOptions: {},
  // default throw all css outside @layer
  // 'base' | 'components' | 'utilities'
  outSideLayerCss: 'components',
  // generate tailwindcss plugin with `plugin` api or `plugin.withOptions` api
  withOptions: true,
  // custom handler
  interceptors: {
      // do sth

    // plugins.push / splice ...
// load css node into context map
await ctx.process('path/to/your.css')

await ctx.process('path/to/your.scss')

const code = ctx.generate() // return code then you can fs.writeFile

Context 同步 API 功能是残缺的,这是因为 tailwindcsspostcss-import 是异步的 postcss 插件,没法同步调用.

Tailwindcss Plugin

const path = require('node:path')

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
      entries: [
        // your css entry path
        path.resolve(__dirname, './theme-multiple.css'), 
        path.resolve(__dirname, './common.scss'
      // tmp plugins cache dir, default path is `process.cwd() + node_modules/.css-to-tailwindcss-plugin`
      // cacheDir: string

      // other options same to createContext
      // ...options
      // note: `tailwindcssResolved` is invalid in `tailwindcss plugin`, because `tailwindcss` is an async postcss plugin, while `tailwindcss plugin` **MUST** be sync!

      // you can use this method to intercept plugin with `withOptions`
      withOptionsWalkCSSRuleObject(cssObj, layer) {
        console.log(cssObj, layer)
        // don't forget to return it
        // this will replace origin css obj so you can add prefix here!
        return cssObj
  // ...

目前 @import/@use 只支持 .scss 文件

.css 文件目前Tailwindcss Plugin使用方式中不支持引入,因为 tailwindcsspostcss-import 都是异步的插件, 然而 tailwindcss plugin 必须是同步的!

当然, CLINodejs Api 没有这样的限制

处理 tailwindcss theme() 方法和 @apply 指令

你必须安装 tailwindcss,然后设置 tailwindcssResolvedtrue,同时再传当前的 tailwind.config.js 路径或者内联 Config 对象.

<npm / yarn / pnpm> i -D tailwindcss
import { createContext } from 'css-to-tailwindcss-plugin'

const ctx = createContext({
  // should be set to true
  tailwindcssResolved: true,
  // tailwind.config.js path `string` or tailwind Config
  // for tailwindcss resolve (like theme() and @apply etc....)
  tailwindcssConfig: 'path/to/your/tailwind.config.js'

然后 theme() 方法和 @apply 会被处理。

假如 tailwindcssResolvedfalse,那么 css 里的 theme 方法会被转化成插件里的 js theme 方法,而 @apply 那些写法会被丢弃。


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