
摘 要
关 键 词:深度学习;音乐推荐;Python;KNNBaseline

The digital era is driving the information development of the whole society. With the continuous development of digital media, the content of multimedia digital products is becoming more and more rich, and the communication influence is becoming stronger and stronger. Take music as an example. Today’s music culture is diverse, and the music resources are also unusually rich. In this big data environment, it is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack if people want to find the type of music they want and the music they want. Now there are many music recommendation systems, but the content and way of recommendation are obviously different from the user’s perception, and there are more or less problems.
This research is based on the use of automatic encoder, combined with convolutional neural network, to mine the non-linear characteristics of audio and lyrics, to achieve good music recommendation, music search and recognition functions, and to train a tightly coupled model by combining content features with collaborative filtering. Through this system construction and development, the system can realize the function of music recommendation according to the preferences of the users through in-depth learning.
Key words: deep learning; Music recommendation; Python; KNNBaseline

目 录
摘 要 I
1、绪论 5
1.1研究背景 5
1.2研究现状 5
1.3研究的内容 6
1.4开发的技术介绍 6
1.4.1Python技术 6
1.4.2MySQL数据库 7
1.4.3B/S结构 7
1.5论文的结构 7
2深度学习的算法研究 8
2.1卷积神经网络介绍 8
2.1.1卷积神经网络特性 8
2.1.2卷积的方式 8
2.2基本内容推荐算法 8
2.3基于协同过滤的推荐算法 9
2.4深度学习技术相关概念 10
2.5深度学习技术推荐算法 10
2.6KNNBaseline算法 11
3基于深度学习的音乐推荐系统算法需求 12
3.1需求设计 12
3.2可行性分析 12
3.2.1技术可行性 12
3.2.2经济可行性 12
3.2.3操作可行性 12
3.3其他功能需求分析 13
4系统设计 14
4.1系统的整体设计 14
4.2数据库的设计 14
5系统的实现 16
5.1系统的首页 16
5.2音乐播放界面的实现 16
5.3音乐推荐功能的实现 17
5.4后台管理系统的实现 18
6系统的测试 19
6.1测试的目的 19
6.2测试的内容 19
6.3测试的结果 19
结论 20
参考文献 21
致谢 22