

QList provides both STL-style iterators and Java-style iterators

Warning: Iterators on implicitly shared containers do not work exactly like STL-iterators. You should avoid copying a container while iterators are active on that container. For more information, read Implicit sharing iterator problem

Warning: Iterators are invalidated when QList is modified. Consider that all iterators are invalidated by default. Exceptions to this rule are explicitly documented

STL-Style Iterators

STL-style iterators have been available since the release of Qt 2.0. They are compatible with Qt’s and STL’s generic algorithms and are optimized for speed. For each container class, there are two STL-style iterator types: one that provides read-only access and one that provides read-write access. Read-only iterators should be used wherever possible because they are faster than read-write iterators


Containers Read-only iterator Read-write iterator
QList, QStack, QQueue QList::const_iterator QList::iterator
QSet QSet::const_iterator QSet::iterator
QMap<Key, T>, QMultiMap<Key, T> QMap<Key, T>::const_iterator QMap<Key, T>::iterator
QHash<Key, T>, QMultiHash<Key, T> QHash<Key, T>::const_iterator QHash<Key, T>::iterator

The API of the STL iterators is modelled on pointers in an array. For example, the ++ operator advances the iterator to the next item, and the operator returns the item that the iterator points to. In fact, for QList and QStack, which store their items at adjacent memory positions, the iterator type is just a typedef for T , and the const_iterator type is just a typedef for const T

STL迭代器的API是以数组中的指针为模型的。例如,++运算符将迭代器前进到下一个项,并且运算符返回迭代器指向的项。事实上,对于将其项存储在相邻内存位置的QList和QStack,迭代器类型只是T的typedef,const_iterator类型只是const T的typedef

In this discussion, we will concentrate on QList and QMap. The iterator types for QSet have exactly the same interface as QList’s iterators; similarly, the iterator types for QHash have the same interface as QMap’s iterators


Here’s a typical loop for iterating through all the elements of a QList<QString> in order and converting them to lowercase


QList<QString> list = {"A", "B", "C", "D"};

for (auto i = list.begin(), end = list.end(); i != end; ++i)
    *i = (*i).toLower();

STL-style iterators point directly at items. The begin() function of a container returns an iterator that points to the first item in the container. The end() function of a container returns an iterator to the imaginary item one position past the last item in the container. end() marks an invalid position; it must never be dereferenced. It is typically used in a loop’s break condition. If the list is empty, begin() equals end(), so we never execute the loop.

The diagram below shows the valid iterator positions as red arrows for a list containing four items

Iterating backward with an STL-style iterator is done with reverse iterators


QList<QString> list = {"A", "B", "C", "D"};

for (auto i = list.rbegin(), rend = list.rend(); i != rend; ++i)
    *i = i->toLower();

In the code snippets so far, we used the unary * operator to retrieve the item (of type QString) stored at a certain iterator position, and we then called QString::toLower() on it.
For read-only access, you can use const_iterator, cbegin(), and cend(). For example


for (auto i = list.cbegin(), end = list.cend(); i != end; ++i)
    qDebug() << *i;

The following table summarizes the STL-style iterators’ API


Expression Behavior
*i Returns the current item
++i Advances the iterator to the next item
i += n Advances the iterator by n items
--i Moves the iterator back by one item
i -= n Moves the iterator back by n items
i - j Returns the number of items between iterators i and j

The ++ and - - operators are available both as prefix (++i, - -i) and postfix (i++, i- -) operators.
The prefix versions modify the iterators and return a reference to the modified iterator;
the postfix versions take a copy of the iterator before they modify it, and return that copy.
In expressions where the return value is ignored, we recommend that you use the prefix operators (++i, --i), as these are slightly faster

++和— —运算符可以作为前缀(++i,- -i)和后缀(i++,i- -)运算符使用。
在忽略返回值的表达式中,我们建议您使用前缀运算符(++i,— —i),因为这些运算符会稍微快一些

For non-const iterator types, the return value of the unary * operator can be used on the left side of the assignment operator.


For QMap and QHash, the operator returns the value component of an item. If you want to retrieve the key, call key() on the iterator. For symmetry, the iterator types also provide a value() function to retrieve the value. For example, here’s how we would print all items in a QMap to the console


QMap<int, int> map;
for (auto i = map.cbegin(), end = map.cend(); i != end; ++i)
    qDebug() << i.key() << ':' << i.value();

Thanks to implicit sharing, it is very inexpensive for a function to return a container per value. The Qt API contains dozens of functions that return a QList or QStringList per value (e.g., QSplitter::sizes()). If you want to iterate over these using an STL iterator, you should always take a copy of the container and iterate over the copy. For example

Thanks to implicit sharing, it is very inexpensive for a function to return a container per value. The Qt API contains dozens of functions that return a QList or QStringList per value (e.g., QSplitter::sizes()). If you want to iterate over these using an STL iterator, you should always take a copy of the container and iterate over the copy. For example

由于隐式共享,函数返回每个值一个容器的成本非常低。Qt API包含数十个函数,每个值返回一个QList或QStringList(例如,QSplitter::sizes())。如果您想使用STL迭代器对其进行迭代,则应始终获取容器的副本并对副本进行迭代。例如

// 对
const QList<int> sizes = splitter->sizes();
for (auto i = sizes.begin(), end = sizes.end(); i != end; ++i)

// 错
for (auto i = splitter->sizes().begin();
        i != splitter->sizes().end(); ++i)

This problem doesn’t occur with functions that return a const or non-const reference to a container



For each container class, there are two Java-style iterator data types: one that provides read-only access and one that provides read-write access


Note: New code should use STL-Style iterators since these are more efficient and can be used together with Qt’s and STL’s generic algorithms


Containers Read-only iterator Read-write iterator
QList, QQueue, QStack, QListIterator QMutableListIterator
QSet QSetIterator QMutableSetIterator
QMap<Key, T>, QMultiMap<Key, T> QMapIterator<Key, T> QMutableMapIterator<Key, T>
QHash<Key, T>, QMultiHash<Key, T> QHashIterator<Key, T> QMutableHashIterator<Key, T>

In this discussion, we will concentrate on QList and QMap. The iterator types for QSet have exactly the same interface as QList’s iterators; similarly, the iterator types for QHash have the same interface as QMap’s iterators


Unlike STL-Style iterators, Java-style iterators point between items rather than directly at items. For this reason, they are either pointing to the very beginning of the container (before the first item), at the very end of the container (after the last item), or between two items. The diagram below shows the valid iterator positions as red arrows for a list containing four items


Here’s a typical loop for iterating through all the elements of a QList in order


QList<QString> list = {"A", "B", "C", "D"};

QListIterator<QString> i(list);
while (i.hasNext())
    QString s = i.next();

It works as follows: The QList to iterate over is passed to the QListIterator constructor. At that point, the iterator is located just in front of the first item in the list (before item “A”). Then we call hasNext() to check whether there is an item after the iterator. If there is, we call next() to jump over that item. The next() function returns the item that it jumps over. For a QList<QString>, that item is of type QString



Here’s how to iterate backward in a QList


QListIterator<QString> i(list);
while (i.hasPrevious())
    QString s = i.previous();

The code is symmetric with iterating forward, except that we start by calling toBack() to move the iterator after the last item in the list

The diagram below illustrates the effect of calling next() and previous() on an iterator


The following table summarizes the QListIterator API

下表总结了QListIterator API

Function Behavior
toFront() Moves the iterator to the front of the list (before the first item)
toBack() Moves the iterator to the back of the list (after the last item)
hasNext() Returns true if the iterator isn’t at the back of the list
next() Returns the next item and advances the iterator by one position
peekNext() Returns the next item without moving the iterator
hasPrevious() Returns true if the iterator isn’t at the front of the list
previous() Returns the previous item and moves the iterator back by one position
peekPrevious() Returns the previous item without moving the iterator



QListIterator provides no functions to insert or remove items from the list as we iterate. To accomplish this, you must use QMutableListIterator. Here’s an example where we remove all odd numbers from a QList using QMutableListIterator


QMutableListIterator<int> i(list);
while (i.hasNext()) {
    if (i.next() % 2 != 0)

The next() call in the loop is made every time. It jumps over the next item in the list. The remove() function removes the last item that we jumped over from the list. The call to remove() does not invalidate the iterator, so it is safe to continue using it. This works just as well when iterating backward


QMutableListIterator<int> i(list);
while (i.hasPrevious()) {
    if (i.previous() % 2 != 0)

If we just want to modify the value of an existing item, we can use setValue(). In the code below, we replace any value larger than 128 with 128


QMutableListIterator<int> i(list);
while (i.hasNext()) {
    if (i.next() > 128)

Just like remove(), setValue() operates on the last item that we jumped over. If we iterate forward, this is the item just before the iterator; if we iterate backward, this is the item just after the iterator


The next() function returns a non-const reference to the item in the list. For simple operations, we don’t even need setValue


QMutableListIterator<int> i(list);
while (i.hasNext())
    i.next() *= 2;

As mentioned above QSet’s iterator classes have exactly the same API as QList’s. We will now turn to QMapIterator, which is somewhat different because it iterates on (key, value) pairs.

Like QListIterator, QMapIterator provides toFront(), toBack(), hasNext(), next(), peekNext(), hasPrevious(), previous(), and peekPrevious(). The key and value components are extracted by calling key() and value() on the object returned by next(), peekNext(), previous(), or peekPrevious().


The following example removes all (capital, country) pairs where the capital’s name ends with “City”:

QMap<QString, QString> map = {
    {"Paris", "France"},
    {"Guatemala City", "Guatemala"},
    {"Mexico City", "Mexico"},
    {"Moscow", "Russia"}

QMutableMapIterator<QString, QString> i(map);
while (i.hasNext()) {
    if (i.next().key().endsWith("City"))

QMapIterator also provides a key() and a value() function that operate directly on the iterator and that return the key and value of the last item that the iterator jumped above. For example, the following code copies the contents of a QMap into a QHash:

QMap<int, QWidget *> map;
QHash<int, QWidget *> hash;

QMapIterator<int, QWidget *> i(map);
while (i.hasNext()) {
    hash.insert(i.key(), i.value());

If we want to iterate through all the items with the same value, we can use findNext() or findPrevious(). Here’s an example where we remove all the items with a particular value:

QMutableMapIterator<int, QWidget *> i(map);
while (i.findNext(widget))

