1. 确保你的机器上已经安装了Node.js和npm,这是使用Angular的必要条件。如果没有安装,可以通过官网下载并安装… 。
打开终端(Unix / Linux / macOS)或命令提示符(Windows)并输入以下命令安装Angular CLI(命令行工具) :
npm install -g @angular/cli
ng new my-app
cd my-app ng serve --open
总的来说,安装Angular需要安装Node.js和npm,然后使用Angular CLI创建一个新的Angular项目,并在本地运行开发服务器以查看你的应用程序。如果出现任何问题,可以查看官方文档或向社区寻求帮助。
下载地址,当然也可以用brew install node
来安装。 -
npm package manager
安装Angular CLI
npm install -g @angular/cli
常用的Angular编辑器有Visual Studio Code、WebStorm、Sublime Text
Development environment
If you plan to complete this tutorial on your local computer, you must install the required software. If you have already installed some of the required software, you must verify that it is the correct version.
Perform these steps in a command-line tool on the computer you want to use for this tutorial.
IMPORTANT: If you plan to use StackBlitz to do the lessons, you can proceed to the first lesson. You don't need to install any software.
Step 1 - Identify the version of node.js
that Angular requires
IMPORTANT: This step is only required if you have a version of node installed, otherwise, proceed to step 2 below.
Angular requires an active LTS or maintenance LTS version of Node. Let's confirm your version of node.js
. For information about specific version requirements, see the engines property in the package.json file.
From a Terminal window:
- Run the following command:
node --version
- Confirm that the version number displayed meets the requirements.
Step 2 - Install the correct version of node.js
for Angular
If you do not have a version of node.js
installed, please follow the directions for installation on
Step 3 - Install the latest version of Angular
With node.js
and npm
installed, the next step is to install the Angular CLI which provides tooling for effective Angular development.
From a Terminal window:
- Run the following command:
npm install -g @angular/cli
- Once the installation completes, the terminal window will display details of the Angular CLI version installed on your local computer.
Step 4 - Install integrated development environment (IDE)
You are free to use any tool you prefer to build apps with Angular. We recommend the following:
- Visual Studio Code
- As an optional, but recommended step you can further improve your developer experience by installing the Angular Language Service